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What is the name of Salvation? 

  • Hebrew names are appointed for particular positions, functions, or relationships, and/or they express hopes or prophecy. Let us look at the position, function, relationship, hopes, and prophecy of the Son of Alahayim to understand his name.

Luk 2:10

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 

Luk 2:11

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 

Luk 1:67

 And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit, and prophesied, saying, 

Luk 1:68

Blessed be the Lord Alahayim of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people, 

Luk 1:69

And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David; 

Luk 1:70

As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began: 

Luk 1:71

That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; 

Luk 1:72

To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant; 

Luk 1:73

The oath which he sware to our father Abraham, 

Luk 1:74

That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, 

Luk 1:75

In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life. 

Joh 4:42

And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world. 

Gen 49:18

I have waited for thy salvation,H3444 O Lord.

  • (The just were waiting on the Lord's salvation to be brought. According to precept, Christ himself is the salvation of Alahayim that the just were waiting for.)

Luke 2:25

And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Spirit was upon him.

Luke 2:27

And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Yache, to do for him after the custom of the law, 

Luk 2:28

Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed Alahayim, and said, 

Luk 2:29

Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: 

Luk 2:30

For mine eyes have seen thy salvation

  • We learn from the prophecies that the Son of Alahayim’s position is to be the Saviour of the world. His function (purpose) is to save, redeem, deliver, and bring salvation to the world.  According to prophecy, His name is suppose to signify “Saviour, save, salvation, redeem, deliver, bring salvation” and the hope in him is to rescue, save, deliver, and redeem us from sin and death and the hand of our enemies. Take notice that according to John 4:42, He is ascribed as the Saviour. In the Hebrew writings of the holy scriptures, the word [H3467 ישע] is the only Hebrew word used that means "Saviour." 




Transliteration: yache

Phonetic: /jatʃe/

BDB Definition: to save, be saved, be delivered, to be liberated, to save from moral troubles.

Part(s) of speech: Verb

Strong’s Definition: A primitive root; properly to be open, wide or free, that is, (by implication)

to be safe; causatively to free or succor:- X at all, avenging, defend, deliver (-er), help, preserve, rescue, be safebring (having) salvation, save (-iour)get free or succor, victory: -  X at all, avenging.

Igbo: "Let him save"


  • This word, ישע, fully encompasses the prophecy, position, function (purpose), and hope that all men who believe have in the Son of Alahayim. This is one of the facts that show his true name is ישע. He has opened the eyes of the blind and freed prisoners. [Isaiah 42:7] He will avenge the blood of his servants [Duet 32:43], defend the city of Jerusalem [Isa 31:5], He delivers all men from fear of death [Heb 2:15] because he has gotten the victory over death [1 Corr 15:54-57], He brings salvation to them in who cry for salvationH3444  by his blood [Luke 1:77; 1 Thess 5:9], and He is the Saviour of the world [John 4:42]

  • One can confirm this to be the name according to the scriptures because ישע is the only word that exemplifies all the characteristics of the salvation of Alahayim. 

How Can We Know Which Name is True?

  • There are a few names that are speculated to be the names of the Son of Alahayim that are also the same names as other men in scripture. The precepts in Philippians 2:9, Acts of Thomas 27, and Acts 4:12 show that the Savior's name could not have been the same as anyone else's in scripture:

 Php 2:9

Wherefore Alahayim also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above

every name:

Ephesians 1:21 

Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:

Acts of Thomas 27

Come, thou holy name of Yache that is above every name.

Act 4:12 

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.  

  • Besides the name Christ was given, there is none other name under heaven given amongst men that can save us. Also, that name He was given is above every name given amongst men, so no one else in the scriptures could have had the same name since He was the only one given a name above every name that is named. It has been said that the Son’s name can be either one of the various renditions of the following Hebrew names: 

ישוע H3442

יהושע H3091(a)

ישעיה H3470 

ישעי H3469


  • By precept these things are not so because these are the names of multiple Israelites, not a name above all names in scripture:

  1. H3091(a) Jehoshea- Yahọche  יהושע:

    • The name given to Oshea the son of Nun by Moses and the name of 3 other Israelites. The root word of יהושע is ישע H3467 in the Strong's Concordance.

    • From the Hebrew (Yahoche יהושע H3091(a)) is derived:

      • [Yahawashi/ Yahusha/Jesus]

  2. H3091(b) Joshua or Jehoshua- Yahoṣowa  יהושוע:

    • The other rendition of the name given to Oshea the son of Nun by Moses {Duet 3:21} that was also used once by the Judges { Jdg 2:7} in reference to Jehoshea the son of Nun. The root word of יהושוע is ישעH3467 in the Strong's Concordance.

    • From the Hebrew (Yahoṣowa יהושוע H3091(b) is derived:     

      • [Yehoshua/Jehoshua/Joshua/ Yahushua/Jesus]

  3. H3442 Jeshua- Yaṣowa ישוע:

    • The name of at least 2 Israelites and the third rendition of Joshua the son of Nun used by the Hebrews from the Babylonian captivity onward.

    • From the Hebrew (Yaṣowa ישוע H3442) is derived:

      • [Yashua/Yeshua/Yesu/Jeshua/  Jesus] 

  4. H3469 Ishi (Yacheya) ישעי:

    • The name of at least 4 Israelites. The root word of ישעי is  ישע H3467 in the Strong's Concordance.

    • From the Hebrew (Yacheya ישעי H3469) is derived: 

      • [Yashiya/Yashaya/Yasheya/Yishiy/Ishi]

  5. H3470 Isaiah (Yacheyaho) ישעיהו:

    • The name of Isaiah and at least 6 other Israelites. H3467 ישע is the root word of ישעיהו in the Strong's Concordance. 

    • From (Yacheyah ישעיה H3470(b)) is derived:

      • [Yashayah/Yasheyah/Yesha'yah/  Jesaiah/Esaias]

    • From (Yacheyaho  ישעיהו H3470(a)) is derived:

      • [Yesha'yahu/Isaiah/Esaias]

  6. G2424 Jesus- derives from the Latin, Iēsūs ,which comes from the Greek, Ἰησοῦς’ (Iēsous), the Hellenized (Greek) rendition of the Hebrew H3442 ישוע (Yaṣowa) and Aramaic H3443 ܝܫܘܥ (Yeshu‘ ):

    • ​The English translation of the Hellenized (Greek) rendition of multiple Hebrew's names like Jeshua the son of Nun, {Heb 4:11} the priest Jeshua the son of Jozadak, {1 Esdras 5:5} and other Hebrews named Jeshua in the Greek text of the Apocrypha and New TestamentPlease visit the tab on "Where does the name Jesus come from?" for further edification on the name "Jesus." 

  • Once multiple people have the same name in scripture, it is an indication to know the name in consideration is not the Savior's name because His holy name is the name above every name {Acts of Thomas 27; Php 2:9} and His name is the only name under heaven given amongst men whereby we may be saved {Acts 4:12} which means no other person in the holy scriptures could have been given the same name because it was above every name under heaven given amongst men in the scriptures. When considering what name is the true name of the Savior, a demon admitted to Solomon that Emmanuel, which is Christ, {Matt 1:23} is brought down when the three letters are noised abroad. 

Testament of Solomon chapter 52 

52. So I said to him: "I adjure thee in the name of the Alahayim Sabaoth, to tell me by what name thou art frustrated along with thy host." And the spirit answered me: "The 'great among men,' who is to suffer many things at the hands of men, whose name is the figure 644, which is Emmanuel; he it is who has bound us, and who will then come and plunge us from the steep under water. He is noised abroad in the three letters which bring him down "


  • Of all the speculated names of Christ, ישע is the only name composed of three letters that means "savior and salvation" in Hebrew to confirm that these three Hebrew letters, ישע, comprise the name of the Son of Alahayim. Thus through precept, we are shown the Son's name is:

    1. comprised of 3 Hebrew letters, {Testament of Solomon 52}

    2. a name only He has been given amongst men {Acts 4:12; Php 2:9}

    3. it is above every name in scripture.{Acts of Thomas 27; Php 2:9} 

  • The Son of Alahayim knew what the unrighteous would seek to do in hiding His name so He was particular in his words to leave us a clue to know what His name is when He said “I am the Root.”[Rev 22:16]

Rev 22:16  

I Yache have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. 

  • In simplicity, knowing that Yache said He is "the Root" {Rev 22:16} and the scriptures show He is "salvation" Himself for all people,{Luke 2:25-31} one can identify His name by identifying the 3 letter root word for "salvation" in the Hebrew scriptures according to the Hebrew concordance:

Psa 132:16  

I will also clothe her priests with salvation:H3467 and her saints shall shout aloud for joy. 

Psa 132:16

 וכהניה אלבישׁ ישע וחסידיה רנן ירננו׃




Transliteration: yache

Phonetic: /jatʃe/

Strong’s Definition: A primitive root

There are 5 words that translate to "salvation" in the the Hebrew scriptures: 

  1. H8668 תשועה        תשעה (denotes saving of some sort 52 times) used to denote saving of some sort. (does not mean Saviour). H3467 ישע is correlated to the root word according to the concordance.

  2. H3444 ישועה (denotes saving of some sort 143 times) (does not mean Saviour) root word in the concordance is H3467 ישע.

  3. H4190 מושעה (denotes saving of some sort 1 time) (does not mean saviour) the root word is H3467 ישע

  4. H3468­ ישע (denotes salvation 68 times), it is the same word as H3467 ישע

  5. H3467 ישע (occurs 207 times denoting saving of some sort) The only word that means “saviour” throughout the entire Hebrew Concordance and the only root word for savior according to the concordance in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament.

All 15 times the word saviour is mentioned in the Hebrew text, H3467 ישע is the concordance number.  This word is the most used word to express saving of some sort, and it is the root word or correlated to the root word of every other word that means salvation in the scriptures. ישע Yache is the only primitive root word in the Hebrew Concordances that means "savior/salvation," is comprised of 3 letters, and no one else in scripture has that name. Therefore, one can be assured that His name is the Root word of salvation, “ישע Yache." All the Hebrew names afore mentioned (ישוע H3442/ יהושע H3091(a)/ ישעיה H3470/ ישעי H3469/ יהושועH3091(b)) and any rendition, pronunciation, or transliteration of those Hebrew names cannot be the Savior’s name according to precepts because they are not comprised of 3 letters in Hebrew, other men in scripture have the name, and there is only one name of the Son of Alahayim [Hermas Parable 9 {17:3}] so there are not multiple renditions or ways to say His name.

Why Is ישע (Yache) the True Name? 

This is the name of the Saviour, the Son of Alahayim, because he said “I am the Root”[Rev 22:16] and it is the only root word in the whole ancient Hebrew text comprised of 3 letters[Testament of Solomon 52] that means “saviour,” which is the name that describes the Son of Alahayim directly. Also, this name was not given to any person in the Holy scriptures, except Christ himself, fulfilling the scriptures of Php 2:9.

Understanding the Hebrew word ישע 

The Hebrew concordances say the word ישע is used as a verb, but it is more than a verb in truth. It's an actual sentence in Hebrew comprised of root words. The sentence ישע has a subject [י] and a verb [שע] actually. Through the Hebrew dialects among the Bantu, one can identify what the actual verb in the Hebrew text actually is. There are two roots in this word, [י] and [שע], and שע is the verb. One can validate that these are actual words when one reads the Hebrew text because variations of [י] and [שעare used in the text. For example:

  1. Exodus 14:30 ‘saved H3467’ is written יושע

  2. Numbers 10:9 ‘saved H3467‘ is written ונושעתם.                        

  3. Deut 33:29 ‘saved H3467‘ is written נושע.      

  4. II Sam 22:3 'saviour H3467‘ is written משעי.  

  5. II Sam 22:3 'savest H3467‘ is written תשעני.

So you can see the verb שע is what actually means save. This is understood through the Hebrew spoken among the Bantu. The verb, [שע] is in the Igbo language still being used as a verb and is pronounced [che /tʃe/] which means "save, deliver, guard, protect, preserve, defend." For example:

[chekwaa]=save [ichebeego]=save [chebe]=defend, preserve [nchebe]=safe, safety.

The verb hasn't lost its meaning up to this day and it shows why ישע H3467 means ‘defend, deliver, preserve, save, safe.’ A verb is a singular word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of a predicate or sentence, so one can understand why שע is the verb in the sentence ישע because it is the action word. With the ancient root word, שע (che), being the actual verb in the sentence ישע, that leaves, י (ya), as the actual subject of the sentence. 'Ya' means "he, she, it" in Igbo and in the Hebrew records.  You will find the Bantu saying "Ya, ye, onye, nye" in different Bantu dialects.  The concordance doesn't give the full meaning of the actual phrase ישע, but seeing as though the Bantus still speak the Hebrew dialect which is seen in their root words, it can be understood. The sentence "ya che" is an Igbo sentence that means "let him save/let him defend/let him protect/let him preserve." The fact that Bantus still speak Hebrew helps ensure we are calling upon the true name in the Hebrew pronunciation. The pronunciation of ישע is Ya che /ja tʃe/. The 'e' in "checomes from the ע, which can make an 'e' sound as in other words like H5921 elu על.


The Hebrew language has been influenced by the different captivities of the Israelites, hence there were Chaldean (Aramaic) words used by Hebrew speakers in the days of the Christ on earth and similarly today we can find Arabic and words from other languages used amongst the Hebrews in their Bantu dialects, yet they still speak Hebrew as well just as Christ and the disciples spake Hebrew along with words from the Chaldean language. Here in these end times, the pure language will be reconciled to the Hebrews:

Zeph 3:9

 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of Ahayah, to serve him with one consent.

  • The believers of Israel will eventually speak the pure language in Egypt according to prophecy:

Isaiah 19:18 

In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to Ahayah of hosts; one shall be called, The city of destruction.

  • Today, though the Hebrew language isn't pure among the Hebrews of Africa (Bantu), the Hebrew language can still be identified in the root words of the Bantu. Their Hebrew dialects confirm the name of the Son according to the meanings Ahayah let them retain. This is seen when one takes the Bantu definition of the sentence [ישע] Ya che, and apply it to what was said in the scriptures concerning the savior: 

Matthew 1:21

[21]And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Yache: for he shall save his people from their sins

  • Now let’s apply the Bantu meaning “let him save” to see if it aligns with the meaning of his name and what the angel said.

Matthew 1:21

[21]And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Let Him Save: for he shall save his people from their sins.

  • The Bantu language shows that his name is truly ישע Yache because it meant the same thing when the angel Gabriel, spake Hebrew to Joseph because it is the same language Ahayah suffered the Bantu’s to retain unto to this day. The concordance definition confirms the true name when applied to the scripture as well.

Matthew 1:21

[21]And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name ישע: for he shall save his people from their sins

Matthew 1:21

[21]And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Saviour: for he shall save his people from their sins.


The importance of Pronunciation

Hermas Parable 9

17[94]:4 "Because," saith he, "all the nations that dwell under heaven, when they heard and believed, were called by the one name of the Son of Alahayim

  • There is only one name of the Son of Alahayim  according to scripture so there is only one rendition and pronunciation of it. Translating the name of the Son of Alahayim into another tongue will not have the same force as things uttered in Hebrew being translated into another tongue do not have the same force according to scripture: 

Prologue of Sirach

For the same things uttered in Hebrew, and translated into another tongue, have not the same force in them: 

  • Now that you know the true name through the definitions and true Hebrew dialect, we have to be sure to keep the proper pronunciation of ישע so the name does not lose its power or meaning. Pronouncing H3467 ישע differently than "Yache" does not mean the same thing the angel said in Matt 1:21. Remember pronunciation makes a difference. If one changes the pronunciation it changes the meaning of the word because Hebrew is a descriptive language based on pitch, tone, and pronunciation. This is why you will see different definitions like "to be open" in the concordance for H3467 ישע because if you pronounce שע as /ʃi/ that is what it means. Remember in Yoruba ‘ṣ’ sound like ‘sh’. In Yoruba,  שע is [ṣi]=open, opening, unlock, [si/ṣi]=to [ṣi ṣi]=to open. י is [yẹ]=be. The sentence "שע ישע" in Yoruba is [si yẹ ṣi]=to be open, which means the same thing as the concordance definition. The Yoruba root words can denote the same meaning as the concordance and this helps to see if one pronounces ישע differently it does not mean the same thing and it is not calling on the true name. Another example of how pronunciation causes the different meanings is H3467 ישע means ‘defend, help, preserve’ which can be correlated in Igbo because נישע is  [nye che]=to defend, [nyee che]=help preserve. Another example of how pronunciation causes the different meanings is H3467 ישע means ‘rescue, to be free’ which can be identified in Yoruba by the root word [י], which is the root word [yo/yọ]=remove [yó yọ]=rescue. ש is [ṣofo]=free, so ישע can be pronounced yọ ṣo (pronounced /jɔ̙ʃo/) to mean "rescue free" which correlates to the concordance definition or שעישעṣi yẹ ṣo]=to be free. H3467 ישע means ‘help, victory’ and in Yoruba that root word שע is present in variations of pronunciation in verbs like שעוגושע [ṣojuuṣe]=help, or nouns like שעגון [ṣegun]=victory, win. Remember ṣe is pronounced ‘she /ʃe/’ in Yoruba, which is close to the pronunciation of ‘che /tʃe/’  in Igbo, but they are still different in pronunciation and meaning.

00:00 / 00:03

What does Yasha mean?

Yiddish isn't truly Hebrew, yet you may have heard of the Yiddish pronunciation "yasha." Focusing on the root verb, שע we tried to find the “sha” pronunciation instead of “che” to see what "yasha" could mean in Hebrew instead of Yache and the only thing we found was the root word “ṣà” in the Yoruba dialect which is pronounced “shà.” In Yoruba, “ṣà” means “pick, pick up, gather, to select, picked.” Also, if one changes the pitch of pronunciation of the “a” sound, “ṣa” means “pick, pick up.” So from what we can tell, the pronunciation of “ya-sha” in the Hebrew root words found in Bantu do not express a correlating meaning to the definitions of H3467 ישע like “ya-che” does. We don’t see anything to support "yasha" meaning or correlating to “salvation” in the Hebrew dialects retained among the Bantu to support that pronunciation as the correct one for the Saviour's name H3467 ישע. Also, knowing that the Yiddish speakers created a new language in which they created the pronunciation “yasha” from there Germanic linguistic roots, we can understand why "yasha" doesn’t actually correlate to salvation in meaning among the actual Hebrew speakers, because that was not how ישע was pronounced in the ancient dialect. Now you have further understanding of why pronunciation is so important because it can change the meaning. According to what Gabriel told Joseph, the proper pronunciation of the Saviour’s name is Ya che /jatʃe/, “Let Him Save,” because the angel said ‘he shall save.’ He didn’t say “he shall open’ (yẹṣi{Yeshi})  nor did he say ‘He shall rescue/free’ (yọ ṣo {Yọsho}) nor did he say "He shall pick up" (yaṣa {Yasha}) hence we know the proper pronunciation is Yache, which directly correlates to what the angel said to Joseph and the correlating meanings to saving.

  • The name of salvation is important to know because it is necessary for us to enter the kingdom since it is a commandment to believe on the name of the Son of Alahayim. 

1Jn 3:23  

And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Yache Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.

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