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What Is A Gentile?

  •  The English word "gentile" etymology:

    • Late Middle English: from Latin gentilis of a family or nation, of the same clan’ (used in the Vulgate to refer to non-Jews), from gens, gent- ‘family, race’, from the root of gignere ‘beget'. 

  • The root word of the Latin "gentilis" is "gens, gent," and it gives more understanding of the original word before its application in the Latin Vulgate for non-Jews.

1. Gens: Etymology 1 Borrowed from Latin gēns (“gens; people, tribe”), from Proto-Indo-European ǵénh tis (“birth; production”), from ǵenh-tis (“to beget; to give birth; to produce”)
2. Gent: Etymology 2 From Old French gent, ultimately from Latin genitum (“born”).

  • The etymological definition of "gentile" shows the word originally just means "a family or nation (tribe) of the same clan (father/bloodline)." The word "gentile" became used to refer to a nation of the sons of Noah foreign from the Hebrew race by the application of the Latin word gentilis in the Latin Vulgate translation of גוי (gwèyà) H1471 though the word gentilis did not originally mean "non-Jew."

Original: גּי גּוי
Strong's Definition: Apparently from the same root as H1465 (in the sense of massing); a foreign nation ; hence a Gentile ; also (figuratively) a troop of animals, or a flight of locusts: - Gentile, heathen, nation, people
BDB Definition:

nation, people (noun masculine) nation,

people; usually of non-Hebrew people

of descendants of Abraham

of Israel

of swarm of locusts, other animals (figuratively)

Goyim? = " nations" (noun proper masculine)

Massing: assemble or cause to assemble into a single body or mass 

Troop: (of a group of people) come or go together or in large numbers

Swarm: move somewhere in large numbers


The breakdown of the word גוי:

The two root words גו and י are still among the true Hebrew speakers called Bantu people to this day. The root word גו is found in the Igbo words [igwe]=multitude [ìgwè]=group, crowd, so one can understand why H1471 גוי means a "massing, troop, swarm." In the Yoruba dialect, י is the root word in [] =race, brand, category, tribe, tribes, [eya]=species, ethnic, so one can understand how the word gwè can also denote the different species, nations, bloodlines, and tribes of the Earth like "swarms of locusts or troop of animals or massing of people" whether a Hebrew nation or Gentile nation. So גוי gwèyà is simply "a tribal group, ethnic group, species category, etc" when examining the root words.

The word גוי gweya   firstly means "a multitude of people" which is a nation(s), so gweya (nation) is used in the Hebrew language to refer to either Hebrew or another race. For example, in Exodus 19:6 גוי is used for the word "nation" in reference to the children of Israel. Also in Deuteronomy 4:6, it is used in reference to the Hebrews and the 70 nations that sprang from the sons of Noah. This helps understand why gwèyà can mean "people, nation, gentile, heathen" because the Hebrew word גוי just describes a group of people, but the actual English word "gentile" is not applied to the Hebrews in the English translations of the Holy Books. Before the Hebrew race was established, the sons of Adam were all referred to as just גוי "nations, people"  and the unrighteous were referred to as "heathen" in the English texts of the book of Enoch, which was written before the tower of Babel so its translation has no use of the English word "gentile" to differentiate between the Hebrew race and other races because the Hebrew race wasn't established until after Enoch's time. After the flood at the tower of Babel, the 70 families of the sons of Noah were separated from the race of the Hebrews. The 70 divisions of the sons of Noah are listed in Genesis 10, so from that point onward, the English word "gentile" became used to refer to "non-Hebrews" through usage. The inhabitants of the kingdom of Judah consisted of Judah, Benjamin, half of Simeon, a remnant of the 10 tribes, and Levi, so in scripture a Jew refers to any person of the 12 tribes that inhabited the land of Judah, not merely Judah, Benjamin, or Levi. One can confirm there was a remnant of the 10 tribes in Judea by evidence of Anna the prophetess being of Asher in the New Testament dwelling in Judaea. {Luke 2:36} The English meaning of "non-Jew" is accurate to relay that a Gentile is not of the race of the Jews, which includes all 12 tribes because the inhabitants of Judah did include a remnant of the 10 tribes that had resided in the cities there. 


The Division of the Nations  

  • Lets look at how the division of the nations came about to separate the seventy nations from the Hebrew race.

Appendix of the Testament of Naphtali 8:3-6
3 And do not forget the Lord your Alahayim, the Alahayim of your fathers; Who was chosen by our father Abraham when the nations were divided in the time of Phaleg.
4 For at that time the Lord, blessed be He, came down from His highest heavens, and brought down with Him 
seventy ministering angels, Michael at their head. 

5 He commanded them to teach the seventy families which sprang from the loins of Noah seventy languages.

6 Forthwith the angels descended and did according to the command of their Creator. But the holy language, the Hebrew language, remained only in the house of Shem and Eber, and in the house of Abraham our father, who is one of their descendants.

Appendix of the Testament of Naphtali 9:1-5

9 1 And on that day Michael took a message from the Lord, and said to the seventy nations, to each nation separately:

2 “You know the rebellion you undertook, and the treacherous confederacy into which you entered against the Lord of heaven and earth, and now choose today whom you will worship, and who shall be your intercessor in the height of heaven.”

3 Nimrod the wicked answered and said, “For me there is none greater than he who taught me and my people in one hour the language of Kush.”

4 In like manner also answered Put, and Mizraim, and Tubal, and Javan, and Mesech, and Tiras; and every nation chose its own angel, and none of them mentioned the name of the Lord, blessed be He.

5 But when Michael said unto Abraham our father, “Abram, whom dost thou choose, and whom wilt thou worship?” Abram answered, “I choose and select only Him who said, and the world was created; Who formed me in the womb of my mother, body within body; Who placed in me spirit and soul; Him I choose, and to Him I will cleave, I and my seed, all the days of the world.

Appendix of the Testament of Naphtali 10:1-3
10 1 Then the Most High dispersed the nations, and apportioned and allotted to every nation its share and lot. 2 And from that time
all the nations of the earth separated themselves from the Lord, blessed be He; only the house of Abraham remained with his Creator to worship Him; and after him Isaac and Jacob.

3. Therefore, my sons I conjure you not to go astray and worship any other alahayim than Him whom your fathers have chosen. 

  • The Holy Books confirm that there were truly 70 nations divided by their languages taught by 70 angels sent to confound their languages: 

Jasher 9:32
[32]And Alahayim said to
the seventy angels who stood foremost before him, to those who were near to him, saying, Come let us descend and confuse their tongues, that one man shall not understand the language of his neighbor, and they did so unto them

  • Scriptures also confirm there are 70 Gentile nations:

Jubilees 44:34

[34] And in the land of Canaan two sons of Judah died, Er and Onan, and they had no children, and they children of Israel buried those who perished, and they were reckoned among the seventy Gentile nations. 


  • The testament of Naphtali is the key book which Ahayah revealed to confirm the truth of the 70 nations. Those 70 nations are found in Gen 10:1-32 and 1 Chronicles 1:4-23 when one does not reckon  Shem and Eber in the divisions because they did not separate themselves from Ahayah according to Testament of Naphtali.

Genesis 10:1-7,13-18,22-29,31
        [1]Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, 
1. Ham, and 
2. Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood.

               [2]The sons of Japheth
3. Gomer, and 
4. Magog, and 
5. Madai, and 
6. Javan, and 

7. Tubal, and 
8. Meshech, and 
9. Tiras. [3]And the sons of Gomer; 
10. Ashkenaz, and 
11. Riphath, and 
12. Togarmah. [4]And the sons of Javan; 
13. Elishah, and
14. Tarshish, 
15. Kittim, and 

16. Dodanim. [5]By these were the isles of the Gentiles H1471 divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations. H1471 

             [6]And the sons of Ham
17. Cush, and 
18. Mizraim, and 
19. Phut, and 
20. Canaan. [7]And the sons of Cush; 
21. Seba, and 
22. Havilah, and 
23. Sabtah, and
24. Raamah, and 
25. Sabtecha: and the sons of Raamah; 
26. Sheba, and 
27. Dedan. [13]And Mizraim begat
28. Ludim, and 
29. Anamim, and
30. Lehabim, and 
31. Naphtuhim, [14]And
32. Pathrusim, and 
33. Casluhim, (out of whom came Philistim,)
34. and Caphtorim. [15]And Canaan begat 
35. Sidon his firstborn, and 
36. Heth, [16]And 
37. the Jebusite, and 
38. the Amorite, and 
39. the Girgasite, [17]And 
40. the Hivite, and
41. the Arkite, and
42. the Sinite, [18]And 
43. the Arvadite, and
44. the Zemarite, and 
45. the Hamathite: and afterward were the families of the Canaanites spread abroad.


Genesis 10:20

These are the sons of Ham, after their families, after their tongues, in their countries, and in their nations.H1471 

              [22]The children of Shem
46. Elam, and 
47. Asshur, and 
48. Arphaxad, and
49. Lud, and 
50. Aram. [23]And the children of Aram; 
51. Uz, and 
52. Hul, and 
53. Gether, and 
54. Mash. [24]And Arphaxad begat 
55. Salah; and Salah begat 
Eber. [25]And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was 
56. Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was 
57. Joktan. [26]And Joktan begat
58. Almodad, and 
59. Sheleph, and 
60. Hazarmaveth, and 
61. Jerah, [27]And 
62. Hadoram, and 
63. Uzal, and 
64. Diklah, [28]And 
65. Obal, and 
66. Abimael, and 
67. Sheba, [29]And 
68. Ophir, and 
69. Havilah, and 
70. Jobab: all these were the sons of Joktan.
Genesis 10:31
[31]These are the sons of Shem,
after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, after their nations. H1471

  • The 70 nations were labeled according to their tongues and families (bloodline) and divided to their lands according to their nations. In the allotments of the sons of Noah in Jubilees 8-10, the islands of the Mediterranean sea are divided among the sons of Japheth (with only Cyprus belonged to Arphaxad. Thus in the divisions of the lands, the islands belonged to the Gentiles, not the Hebrews. After the tower of Babel, only the sons of Japheth went to live in the islands. As  a result, in Genesis 10:5,  those islands are referred to as "the Isles of the Gentiles" to accurately relay that the Hebrew race was not included among the inhabitants of the islands since it was Japheth's sons who divided the islands amongst themselves and Abram the Hebrew was not amongst them.

Genesis 10:2,5
[2]The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.
[5]By these were the isles of the Gentiles H1471 divided in their lands;
every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.H1471

  • The division of the families of the sons of Noah were divided according to the number of the children of Israel who went into Egypt [Exo 1:5] for further confirmation of the 70 nations.

Deuteronomy 32:8
[8]When the most High divided to the nations H1471 their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.

  • The number of the children of Israel was 70 entering into Egypt:

Exodus 1:5
[5]And all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were 
seventy souls: for Joseph was in Egypt already.

  • There we see the 70 souls entered Egypt, 70 angels taught the languages, and there are 70 Gentile nations in the reckoning of the sons of Noah in Genesis and Chronicles. It was also known among the nations that there were 70 Gentile nations:

Jubilees 44:34
[34]And in the land of Canaan two sons of Judah died, Er and Onan, and they had no children, and the children of Israel buried those who perished, and they were reckoned among 
the seventy Gentile nations.


  • At the tower of Babel, Abraham did not separate from Alahayim, so he is known as Hebrew by nation and not reckoned with the 70 nations. The Hebrew nation continued in Isaac, Jacob, his the 12 sons, and their posterity. The rests of Abraham's and Isaac's children are Gentiles and reckoned with the Gentiles according to the records. [Jub 16:16-18] 

Jubilees 16:16-18
[16]And we returned in the seventh month, and found Sarah with child before us and we blessed him, and we announced to him all the things which had been decreed concerning him, that he should not die till he should beget six sons more, and should see (them) before he died; but (that) in Isaac should his name and seed be called:
And (that) all the seed of his sons should be Gentiles, and be reckoned with the Gentiles; but from the sons of Isaac one should become a holy seed, and should not be reckoned among the Gentiles

[18]For he should become the portion of the Most High, and all his seed had fallen into the possession of Alahayim, that it should be unto Ahayah a people for (His) possession above all nations and that it should become a kingdom and priests and a holy nation. 

  • Now the sons of Jacob are the Hebrews in the earth today, but if any of the children of Jacob die in their iniquity, they are reckoned among the 70 Gentiles  nations as well when they die. {Jubilees 44:34} In the end times, one tribe will fall away and be alienated from the race of Israel according to Dan, the son of Jacob:

Testament of Dan 5:4-6; 7:3
4 I know that in the last days ye shall depart from the Lord, and ye shall provoke Levi unto anger, and fight against Judah; But ye shall not prevail against them, For an angel of the Lord shall guide them both; for by them shall Israel stand.

5 And whensoever ye depart from the Lord, ye shall walk in all evil and work the abominations of the Gentiles, going a-whoring after women of the lawless ones, while with all wickedness the spirits of wickedness work in you.

6 For I have read in the book of Enoch, the righteous, that your prince is Satan, and that all the spirits of wickedness and pride conspire to attend constantly on the sons of Levi, to cause them to sin before Ahayah.

7:3 [Nevertheless, Dan prophesied unto them that they should forget their Alahayim, and should be alienated from the land of their inheritance and from the race of Israel, and from the family of their seed.]   

  • According to scripture, the sons of Dan will be reckoned among the Gentiles and not numbered among the children of Israel for the reasons their father testified against them. With the definition and etymology of גוי and Gentile, one can understand why gentile is used in reference to the 70 nations because they literally are "a massing or swarm of people" as the word גוי means and that Gentiles are nations not reckoned among the Hebrew race. Hence the word gentile in scripture just helps know that the person(s) being referred to originate from or are reckoned among the 70 Gentile nations not the Hebrew race. Now that we see all the nations of the world today from the scriptural perspective, we can understand that the Gentiles by blood are those of the 70 Gentile nations, Ishmael, Keturah's children, Esau with his sons, and any Israelite that dies in their sins as the sons of Dan will in the end times. Hopefully this helps understand who the Gentiles are according to bloodline in scripture. 

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