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Understanding Peter 3:6
  • In I Peter 3:1-7, there is some key admonition to the wives that is very important for salvation.

1Pe 3:6

Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement. G4423





pto'-ay-sis From G4422; alarm: - amazement.

Thayer Definition:

1) to be afraid of with terror

  • Peter is encouraging the women not to be caught up in their emotions to be afraid when hearing of  alarming things because this was the ONE MISTAKE that Sarah made, of which, caused her death. Her emotions for her son overwhelmed her reasoning to stay temperate in emotions and sound in mind when she was given alarming news that was contrary to what she was told by Abraham. Let's follow the testimony and learn of how the enemy seeks to separate the wife from the righteousness of being sound minded and temperate in emotions:

Jasher 23:1.

At that time the word of AHAYAH came to Abraham, and He said unto him: Abraham! And he said, here I am.
Jasher 23:2.

And He said to him : Take now thy son, thine only begotten son whom thou lovest, even Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains, which shall be shown to thee, for there wilt thou see a cloud and the glory of AHAYAH.

Jasher 23:3.

And Abraham said within himself, how shall I separate my son Isaac from Sarah his mother, in order to bring him up for a burnt offering before AHAYAH? ​

Jasher 23:4.

And Abraham came into the tent, and he sat before Sarah his wife, and he spoke these words to her.

Jasher 23:5.

My son Isaac is grown up and he has not for some time studied the service of his Alahayim, now tomorrow I will go and bring him to Shem, and Eber his son, and there he will learn the ways of AHAYAH, for they will teach him to know AHAYAH as well as to know that when he prayeth continually before AHAYAH, He will answer him, therefore there he will know the way of serving AHAYAH his Alahayim.

  • (Abraham is faithful that Ahayah will restore Isaac from the dead so he makes plans to take his son to Shem after he goes to offer him up.)

Heb 11:17

By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,

Heb 11:18

Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:

Heb 11:19

Accounting that Alahayim was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure.

(This is why Abraham told his wife he was taking Isaac to Shem because he had no doubt his son would live)

  • Continuing the story:

Jasher 23:6.

And Sarah said, thou hast spoken well, go my lord and do unto him as thou hast said, but remove him not at a great distance from me, neither let him remain there too long, for my soul is bound within his soul. ​

Jasher 23:7.

And Abraham said unto Sarah, my daughter, let us pray to AHAYAH our Alahayim that he may do good with us.

Jasher 23:8.

And Sarah took her son Isaac and he abided all that night with her, and she kissed and embraced him, and gave him instructions till morning.
Jasher 23:9

And she said to him, O my son how can my soul separate itself from thee? And she still kissed him and embraced him. And she gave Abraham instructions concerning him.

Jasher 23:10.

And Sarah said to Abraham: O my Lord, I pray thee, take heed of thy son, and place thine eyes over him, for I have no other son nor daughter but him.

Jasher 23:11.

O forsake him not. If he be hungry give him bread, and if he be thirsty give him water to drink ; do not let him go on foot, neither let him sit in the sun.
Jasher 23:12.

Neither let him go by himself in the road, neither force him from whatever he may desire, but do unto him as he may say to thee.

Jasher 23:13.

And Sarah wept bitterly the whole night on account of Isaac, and she gave him instructions till morning.

  • (She was in agreement but already worrying about Isaac instead of being temperate in emotions and sound minded having faith in Alahayim.)

​Jasher 23:14.

And in the morning Sarah selected a very fine and beautiful garment from those garments which she had in the house that Abimelech had given to her.

Jasher 23:15.

And she dressed Isaac her son therewith, and she put a turban upon his head, and she enclosed a precious stone in the top of the turban, and she gave them provision for the road, and they went forth, and Isaac went with his father Abraham, and some of their servants accompanied them to see them off the road.
Jasher 23:16.

And Sarah went out with them, and she accompanied them upon the road to see them off, and they said to her, return to the tent. ​

Jasher 23:17.

And when Sarah heard the words of her son Isaac she wept bitterly, and Abraham her husband wept with her, and their son wept with them a great weeping; also those who went with them wept greatly. ​

Jasher 23:18.

And Sarah caught hold of her son Isaac, and she held him in her arms, and she embraced him and continued to weep with him, and Sarah said, who knoweth if after this day I shall ever see thee again?

Jasher 23:19.

And they still wept together, Abraham, Sarah and Isaac and all those that accompanied them on the road wept with them, and Sarah afterward turned away from her son, weeping bitterly, and all her men servants and maid servants returned with her to the tent.

  • Interestingly, the whole family was emotional thus far, but as we continue reading, we see the difference in how one responds when facing adversity. Abraham, Isaac, and Sarah were all tempted by the devil in the coming verses, but Sarah, given to her fears instead of being temperate waiting to speak with her husband, was the only one who fell in her trial. Abraham cleaved to Ahayah obeying his voice, Isaac cleaved to his father’s words instead of hearkening to anyone else, but Sarah hearkened to the words of a stranger without consideration of what her husband told her due to her prior fears and being afraid at the alarming news of the stranger.

  1.  Abraham tried by Satan to doubt Ahayah’s command

Jasher 23:25.

And whilst Abraham was proceeding with his son Isaac along the road, Satan came and appeared to Abraham in the figure of a very aged man, humble and of contrite spirit, and he approached Abraham and said to him, art thou silly or brutish, that thou goest to do this thing this day to thine only son?

  • (The devil uses people just as he uses demonic spirits, so take heed to who you listen to for advice and counsel. Abraham had to withstand the temptation of going against his lord, Yache, and prevailed by being faithful in obeying his voice.)

Jasher 23:26.

For Alahayim gave thee a son in thy latter days, in thy old age, and wilt thou go and slaughter him this day because he committed no violence, and wilt thou cause the soul of thine only son to perish from the earth?

  • (Tempting him with his love for Isaac to entice him to worry about Isaac over what he was commanded)

Jasher 23:27.

Dost thou not know and understand that this thing cannot be from AHAYAH? For AHAYAH cannot do unto man such evil upon earth to say to him, go slaughter thy child.

  • (Tempting his faith by trying to make him doubt it was Ahayah that wanted him to do it.)

Jasher 23:28.

And Abraham heard this and knew that it was the word of Satan who endeavored to draw him

aside from the way of AHAYAH, but Abraham would not hearken to the voice of Satan, and Abraham

rebuked him so that he went away. 

  • (He knew it was Satan because it was contrary to what Ahayah said to do. When we are temperate and sound in mind, Ahayah provides a way out of the temptation through the simplicity of obeying his voice.)

  1. Isaac tried by Satan to doubt the command and guidance of his father from Ahayah.

Jasher 23:29.

And Satan returned and came to Isaac; and he appeared unto Isaac in the figure of a young man, comely and well favored.
Jasher 23:30.

And he approached Isaac and said unto him: Dost thou not know and understand that thy old silly father bringeth thee to the slaughter this day for nought?

Jasher 23:31.

Now therefore, my son, do not listen nor attend to him, for he is a silly old man, and let not thy precious soul and beautiful figure be lost from the earth.

  • (the devil tried to claim authority over Isaac as his son to hearken to him instead of Abraham, his covering.)

Jasher 23:32.

And Isaac heard this, and said unto Abraham, hast thou heard, my father, that which this man has spoken, even thus has he spoken?

  • (As you can see Isaac did not even respond to Satan, he was temperate, immediately telling his father and patiently waiting for his counsel on what to do. This is how we have to cleave to our covering when tempted.)

Jasher 23:33.

And Abraham answered his son Isaac and said to him, take heed of him and do not listen to his words, nor attend to him, for he is Satan endeavoring to draw us aside this day from the commands of Alahayim.

  • (Isaac went to his covering, his father, and his father counseled him and rebuked Satan. Likewise, we all ought to take this testimony for guidance to overcome the wicked darts of the enemy. There is no discussion to have with Satan or his spirits, even as Isaac didn't even respond to Satan but spoke to his father.)

Jasher 23:70.

And Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw, and behold, a ram was caught in a thicket by his horns; that was the ram which AHAYAH Alahayim had created in the earth in the day that he made earth and heaven.

Jasher 23:71.

For AHAYAH had prepared this ram from that day, to be a burnt offering instead of Isaac.

  • (When faithful and patient, Ahayah always makes a way out. He provided a ram to deliver his servant Isaac.)

1Co 10:13

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but Alahayim is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

Jasher 23:74

And Abraham sprinkled some of the blood of the ram upon the altar, and he exclaimed and said, this is in the place of my son, and may this be considered this day as the blood of my son before AHAYAH.
Jasher 23:75

And all that Abraham did on this occasion by the altar, he would exclaim and say, this is in the place of my son, and may it this day be considered before AHAYAH in the place of my son. And Abraham finished the whole of the service by the altar, and the service was accepted before AHAYAH, and was accounted as if it had been Isaac; and AHAYAH blessed Abraham and his seed on that day.

  • (See that Isaac has already been delivered from the sword before Satan comes to lie and say he is being sacrificed)

  • Sarah is tempted to doubt the words of her lord just like everyone else. Abraham said he was going to Shem. {Jasher 23:5-6} He would have taken Isaac after the sacrifice because that was the first thing he did after burying Sarah. Sarah hearkened to the alarming words of the devil that her son was dead because the devil had been working on her from before Isaac left with fearful thoughts of never seeing him again. The is why Peter is warning the women to “not be afraid with any amazement." If Sarah had remained sound minded and temperate not being afraid with fearful thoughts as Isaac was in his trial, she could have patiently waited for Abraham to return and ask him about the strangers words remembering it is not what Abraham said, even as Isaac turned unto his father when a stranger came with words contrary to Abraham's. She is a testimony for women in the faith not be afraid with fearful thoughts by staying temperate in their emotions and of a sound mind at all times.

Jasher 23:76.

And Satan went to Sarah, and he appeared to her in the figure of an old man very humble and meek, and Abraham was yet engaged in the burnt offering before AHAYAH.

  • (Don’t let the countenance of a person nor their character deceive us, but take heed to the words that they speak. Is it against the law? Is it according to the fruits of the Spirit? is it the Lord's will? Is it contrary to what your lord told you? Would your lord be in agreement? Be vigilant)

Jasher 23:77.

And he said unto her: Dost thou not know all the work that Abraham has made with thine only son this day? For he took Isaac and built an altar and killed him, and brought him up as a sacrifice upon the altar, and Isaac cried and wept before his father, but he looked not at him, neither did he have compassion over him.

  • (Abraham told Sarah he was taking Isaac to Shem, so if she had been temperate and of a sound mind, she could have not responded and waited to speak with her husband as Isaac did.) 

Jasher 23:78.

And Satan repeated these words, and he went away from her, and Sarah heard all the words of Satan, and she imagined him to be an old man from amongst the sons of men who had been with her son, and had come and told her these things.

  • (Now we know when it’s the devil talking to us, whether in our mind or in our face, he repeats over and over until we cave in to hearken to his words. Sadly Sarah listened to him being in her emotions blinded by her prior fears which kept her from seeing the spirit working in that old man by evidence of his contrary words. On the other hand, Isaac, though he didn't know it was Satan himself, patiently asked his father about the deceitful words said to him and only believed his father’s word, as an example of abiding in your covering. 

Jasher 23:79.

And Sarah lifted up her voice and wept and cried out bitterly on account of her son; and she threw herself upon the ground and she cast dust upon her head, and she said, O my son, Isaac my son, O that I had this day died instead of thee. And she continued to weep and said, it grieves me for thee, O my son, my son Isaac, O that I had died this day in thy stead.

  • (She believed the stranger without consulting with her husband. It was expedient for Sarah to have been temperate without fear at the news remembering that this was not what Abraham had said he was going to do while waiting patiently to ask him when he returned.)

Jasher 23:80.

And she still continued to weep, and said, it grieves me for thee after that I have reared thee and have brought thee up; now my joy is turned into mourning over thee, I that had a longing for thee, and cried and prayed to Alahayim till I bare thee at ninety years old; and now hast thou served this day for the knife and the fire, to be made an offering. 

Jasher 23:81.

But I console myself with thee my son, in it being the word of AHAYAH, for thou didst perform the command of thy Alayahim: For who can transgress the word of our Alahayim, in whose hands is the soul of every living creature?

Jasher 23:82.

Thou art just O AHAYAH our Alahayim, for all thy works are good and righteous; for I also am rejoiced with thy word which thou didst command, and whilst mine eye weepeth bitterly my heart rejoiceth.
Jasher 23:83

And Sarah laid her head upon the bosom of one of her handmaids, and she became as still as a stone.

Jasher 23:84.

She afterward rose up and went about making inquiries till she came to Hebron, and she inquired of all those whom she met walking in the road, and no one could tell her what had happened to her son.

Jasher 23:85.

And she came with her maid servants and men servants to KireathArba, which is Hebron, and she asked concerning her son, and she remained there whilst she sent some of her servants to seek where Abraham had gone with Isaac; they went to seek him in the house of Shem and Eber, and they could not find him, and they sought throughout the land and he was not there.

Jasher 23:86.

And behold, Satan came to Sarah in the shape of an old man, and he came and stood before her, and he said unto her, I spoke falsely unto thee, for Abraham did not kill his son and he is not dead. And when she heard the word, her joy was so exceedingly violent on account of her son that her soul went out through joy. She died and was gathered to her people.

  •  (Unstable emotions can lead to our death. One has to be grounded in faith, having soundness of mind, and temperance not being afraid of anything.)

  • In closing, these were the events Peter was referring to that the women may be admonished to walk in all the righteousness of Sarah except being given into emotions of being frightened by any fear.

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