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 The Simpilicty of Christ

  • Through envy of the Devil death came into the world:

Wisdom 2:24

Nevertheless through envy of the devil came death into the world: and they that do hold his side do find it.

  •  The simplicity of Christ is what the Devil, through envy, has sought to cast all women away from in the beginning and unto this day.​

2Co 11:3

But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

  • The Simplicity of Christ for the women by the admonitions of the Apostles is as follows so women can know what the serpent is seeking to beguile them from:

Eph 5:22 

 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 

Eph 5:23 

 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. 

Eph 5:24  

Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. 

1Pe 3:1 

Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

I Pe 3:2

While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.​ 

1Pe 3:3 

Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;

1Pe 3:4

But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of Alahayim of great price

1Pe 3:5

For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in Alahayim, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands 

The Simplicity for Aged Women:

Tit 2:3  

The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness,

  • The behaviors that becometh holiness include:  

Tit 2:2 sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.

Tit 2:3

...not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; 
Tit 2:4  

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, 
Tit 2:5  

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of Alahayim be not blasphemed. 

  • Young women have the simplicity of doing the good works afore mentioned in verse 4-5.

The Simplicity for Widows:

Polycarp to the Philippians 4:3

Our widows must be sober-minded as touching the faith of the Lord, making intercession without ceasing for all men, abstaining from all calumny, evil speaking, false witness, love of money, and every evil thing, knowing that they are Alahayim's altar, and that all sacrifices are carefully inspected, and nothing escapeth Him either of their thoughts or intents or any of the secret things of the heart. 

  • In regards to younger women (60 and under) who are widows, the simplicity is as follows: 

1Ti 5:14

I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.

The Simplicity for Virgins:

Polycarp to the Philippians 5:3

The virgins must walk in a blameless and pure conscience.

I Cor 7:34

....The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and spirit. 

The Simplicity for the Woman:

  • For all women, childbearing is for their salvation if they continue in the faith:

1Ti 2:15  

Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

  • For all women, simplicity is also to do the following: 

1Ti 2:9  

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
1Ti 2:10  

But (which becometh women professing piety) with good works.

  • Being beautiful in modest apparel, costly array, braided hair, and ornaments are fine, but let not your outward appearance define your beauty or where you seek praise because favour is deceit and beauty is vain but the fear of the Lord brings praise:

Pro 31:30  

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth Ahayah, she shall be praised.

  • So as a woman professing piety, ensure your adorning is incorruptible by the ornaments of the heart through the fruits of the Spirit in the sight of Alahayim to garner righteous praise:

1Pe 3:3 

Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;

1Pe 3:4

But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of Alahayim of great price.

1Pe 3:5  

For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in Alahayim, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:1Pe 3:6  Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

The Simplicity for Marriage & Family: 

  • For those who are lead to marry, they are admonished as follows:

1Co 7:8 

 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.

1Co 7:9 

 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

Polycarp to Philippians 5:2

…..It becometh men and women too, when they marry, to unite themselves with the consent of the bishop, that the marriage may be after the Lord and not after concupiscence. Let all things be done to the honour of Alahayim.

  • Once the marriage is established after the Lord, the simplicity for women are as follows:

Eph 5:22  

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

Eph 5:23  

For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

Eph 5:24  

Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

Ignatius to Polycarp 5:1

… Tell my sisters to love the Lord and to be content with their husbands in flesh and in spirit.

Polycarp to the Philippians 4:2

…..and then our wives also, to walk in the faith that hath been given unto them and in love and purity, cherishing their own husbands in all truth and loving all men equally in all chastity, and to train their children in the training of the fear of Alahayim.
1 Clem 1:3

On the young too ye enjoined modest and seemly thoughts: and the women ye charged to perform all their duties in a blameless and seemly and pure conscience, cherishing their own husbands, as is meet; and ye taught them to keep in the rule of obedience, and to manage the affairs of their household in seemliness, with all discretion.

  • With understanding the simplicity of Christ's calling for the women, sisters have a guide through scriptures to adhere by in the faith in avoidance of the Devil's subtlety.

Understanding the Subtlety of the Devil

  • In the beginning, the devil knew Eve was the weaker vessel and took advantage of her vulnerability. The man and his wife was given glory when dwelling as the image of Alahayim from the beginning and the devil sought to disrupt this union and cast them from their glory by enticing the woman against Alahayim, which would also cause her to usurp authority over her husband. Please understand dear sisters, the devil has been tempting the females from the beginning to lift themselves up against Alahayim in their rebellion against his will. Let's look at the Devil's account of why he envied Man and got them expelled from their glory:

The lives of Adam and Eve CHAPTER 16

"And Alahayim the Lord was wroth with me and banished me and my angels from our glory; and on thy account were we expelled from our abodes into this world and hurled on the earth. And straightway we were overcome with grief, since we had been spoiled of so great glory. And we were grieved when we saw thee in such joy and luxury. And with guile I cheated thy wife and caused thee to be expelled through her doing from thy joy and luxury, as I have been driven out of my glory."

  • The Devil out of envy, offered the woman what sounded good to make her feel she could be as Alahayim herself. The devil has tempted the woman with lust for power, control, and knowledge from the beginning. This struggle is still affecting women today, hence the desire to be dominant, despising dominion with a lust for power and their own independence is turning them away from the simplicity of Christ. The woman was made to be loving, gentle, good, joyful, helpful, discrete, chaste and reverent in honour for her covering even as the Holy Spirit is to the Father.  Because of the devil's temptation, the woman transgressed the command of Ahayah in the beginning and fell from her glory, and being deceived herself through Satan's malice, she became a vessel to Satan and he spake through her to deceive her husband. The attack was on the whole household through the weaker vessel in the faith. The woman was accounted as the one in transgression because she hearkened to the devil and became his vessel.

1Ti 2:13  

For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 
1Ti 2:14  

And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. ​

  • Having been deceived and letting Satan speak through her mouth to deceive her husband, women have been given the ordinance of learning in silence with all subjection {1 Tim 2:11} and keeping silent in the churches, [I Cor 14:34-35] along with being of a meek and quiet spirit [I Pet 3:4] for their wellbeing. Her silence is a token of her moderation [I Clem 21:7] and being silent and loving [Sirach 26:14] is token that she is a gift from Ahayah. A woman's moderation in a meek and quiet spirit as an example to convert the unbelievers by her chaste behavior [I Pet 3:1-2], which will keep her from attacks of the Devil, lest she be a stumbling block to anyone. ​Our mother has given an account of what sadly happened for mankind to be admonished.

The Apocalypse of Moses chapter 14-30


Thus spake the angel and departed from them. And Seth and Chiụwah came to the hut where Adam was laid. And Adam saith to Chiụwah: "Chiụwah, what hast thou wrought in us? Thou hast brought upon us great wrath which is death, mastering it over all our race." And he saith to her, "Call all our children and our children's children and tell them the manner of our transgression."

  • (He did not stop loving his wife even though she was in the transgression, he dwelt with her according to knowledge and took responsibility for his part in the fall as well.)

  • Chiụwah's Account of her Fall

The Apocalypse of Moses CHAPTER XV

Then saith Chiụwah to them: "Hear, all my children and children's children, and I will relate to you how the enemy deceived us. It befell that we were guarding paradise, each of us the portion allotted to us from Alahayim. Now I guarded in my lot the west and the south. But the devil went to Adam's lot, where the male creatures were. For Alahayim divided the creatures; all the males he gave to your father, and all the females he gave to me.

  • (She was repentant and confessing her sins as the righteous do as an example of a believer.)


"And the devil spake to the serpent, saying, 'Rise up, come to me and I will tell thee a word whereby thou mayst have profit.' And he rose and came to him. And the devil saith to him: 'I hear that thou art wiser than all the beasts, and I have come to counsel thee. Why dost thou eat of Adam's tares and not of paradise? Rise up and we will cause him to be cast out of paradise, even as we were cast out through him.' The serpent saith to him, 'I fear lest AHAYAH be wroth with me.' The devil saith to him: 'Fear not, only be my vessel and I will speak through thy mouth words to deceive him.' 

  • ​(The serpent hearkened to the devil instantly by getting up and going to him being enticed by his appetite, therefore his punishment to remain on his belly was punishment from Alahayim. His first mistake, hearkening to idols by entertaining the thought. He deceived the serpent by offering him something that seemed it would benefit him, puffing up his ego by telling him how wise he is to make him think he should know better, then offered him a life of more pleasure than what Alahayim gave him, which shows why the spirit of contentment is essential to holiness. {I Tim 6:6} He always attacks the lusts, which is the root of his wickedness. As one can see, the devil talks words of deception in one's mind and through vessels (people/creatures) hence we have to guard our tongues, hearts and minds.)


"And instantly he hung himself from the wall of paradise, and when the angels ascended to worship Alahayim, then Satan appeared in the form of an angel and sang hymns like the angels. And I bent over the wall and saw him, like an angel. But he saith to me: 'Art thou Chiụwah?' And I said to him, 'I am.' 'What art thou doing in paradise?' And I said to him, 'Alahayim set us to guard and to eat of it.' The devil answered through the mouth of the serpent: 'Ye do well but ye do not eat of every plant.' And I said: 'Yea, we eat of all, save one only, which is in the midst of paradise, concerning which, Alahayim charged us not to eat of it: for, He said to us, on the day on which ye eat of it, ye shall die the death.' 

  • (Notice, she was given the command from Alahayim too. She spake the truth in fear and meekness as is fit for a believer, but the devil aroused doubt in her heart by his statement, which made her consider if they are really living well since they don’t eat of every tree of the garden. As simple as it seems, doubt is an evil spirit, even Doubtful mindedness is the daughter of the devil. {Shepherd of Hermas Mandate 9 [1:8]} 


"Then the serpent saith to me, 'May Alahayim live! but I am grieved on your account, for I would not have you ignorant. But arise, come hither, harken to me and eat and mind the value of that tree.' But I said to him, 'I fear lest Alahayim be wroth with me as he told us.' And he saith to me: 'Fear not, for as soon as thou eatest of it ye too shall be as Alahayim, in that ye shall know good and evil. But Alahayim perceived this that ye would be like Him, so he envied you and said, Ye shall not eat of it. Nay, do thou give heed to the plant and thou wilt see its great glory.' Yet I feared to take of the fruit. And he saith to me: 'Come hither, and I will give it thee. Follow me.'

  • (He tempted her to hearken to him with the desire of the eyes by encouraging her to look at the tree and with power to be as Alahayim through knowledge. He lied saying Alahayim envied her,  which enticed her to rebel against Alahayim by yielding to his words and following him. Notice, he set her at variance with Alahayim by saying Alahayim envied her, so you can see how the struggle for the woman is against Alahayim, not her head of the household. The lust of knowledge for power still is a weakness for women to this day from the same old serpent, but they don't realize it's Alahayim they are rebelling against. Now that you understand, stand aloof from Satan dear sisters. Satan deceived her to hearken and follow him instead of following the fear of Alahayim which she formerly knew in simplicity. We cannot serve two masters, so it's needful to take the time to self examine whom we are going to serve through our works. He also tempted her by making her believe he had knowledge above Alahayim when he said "I would not have you ignorant" as if she was being deceived by Alahayim or that he was withholding knowledge from her. As the scriptures attest, the law is our wisdom [Duet 4:6} and the story of Eve's fall attests to the fact that Ahayah gave her the true wisdom which is the simplicity of obeying his voice in meekness. Her duty was to be an helpmeet to her husband, and govern Alahayim's creation in unity with her husband, but Satan's subtlety lead her away from that. Sisters are being tempted to go against Alahayim himself, so be encouraged to walk in simplicity according to the law and humility because any spirit of lust, doubt, or pride that arises to lead you away from Ahayah's will is taking you away from the glory mankind once had in the beginning. Your war is not against your father, brother, or husband, but in truth you're being tempted against Alahayim within yourself. Understand Satan knows who he is trying to make you rebel against as is evident by the account of the first woman, so take good heed. 

Chapter XIX

And I opened to him and he walked a little way, then turned and said to me: 'I have changed my mind, and I will not give thee to eat until thou swear to me to give also to thy husband.' And I said, 'What sort of oath shall I swear to thee? Yet what I know, I say to thee: By the throne of the Master, and by the Cherubim and the Tree of Life, I will give also to my husband to eat.' And when he had received the oath from me, he went and poured upon the fruit the poison of his wickedness, which is lust, the root and beginning of every sin, and he bent the branch on the earth and I took of the fruit and I ate. 

  • (Once she opened to the devil,  he brought her further into iniquity by with holding the thing he caused her to lust after. May we learn from our mother and give the devil no place in our hearts to any of the lusts of the flesh, for we are shown here that what he offers only leads further into sin and death. No mention of her husband was made until she was fully committed to opening herself to follow Satan. This helps understand the variance between a man and his wife is stemming from either or both parties opening themselves to the Devil. Knowing the attack on the household, as one, we are encouraged to work together through faith to stand aloof from the enemy through the fruits of the Spirit.)


"And in that very hour my eyes were opened, and forthwith I knew that I was bare of the righteousness with which I had been clothed upon, and I wept and said to him: 'Why hast thou done this to me in that thou hast deprived me of the glory with which I was clothed?' But I wept also about the oath, which I had sworn. But he descended from the tree and vanished. And I began to seek, in my nakedness, in my part for leaves to hide my shame, but I found none, for as soon as I had eaten, the leaves showered down from all the trees in my part, except the fig-tree only. But I took leaves from it and made for myself a girdle and it was from the very same plant of which I had eaten. 

  • (The woman is clothed with righteousness when she abides in the simplicity of Alahayim's commands under the covering of her Head, as is right in the sight of Alahayim. May it be an encouragement for you, the daughters, to abide in that righteousness that you may not be made bare of your glory. After obeying the lusts of one's heart that the devil offers, he leaves us to grieve over our error, which leads to death, unlike Ahayah, whom when we obey his desire over us, He will never forsake us.)


"And I cried out in that very hour, 'Adam, Adam, where art thou? Rise up, come to me and I will show thee a great secret.' But when your father came, I spake to him words of transgression which have brought us down from our great glory. For, when he came, I opened my mouth and the devil was speaking, and I began to exhort him and said, 'Come hither, my lord Adam, harken to me and eat of the fruit of the tree of which Alahayim told us not to eat of it, and thou shalt be as a Alahayim.' And your father answered and said, 'I fear lest Alahayim be wroth with me.' And I said to him, 'Fear not, for as soon as thou hast eaten thou shalt know good and evil.' And speedily I persuaded him, and he ate, and straightway his eyes were opened and he, too, knew his nakedness. And to me he saith, 'O wicked woman! what have I done to thee that thou hast deprived me of the glory of Alahayim?'

  •  (The spirit of Sorrow, one of the 12 evil women, overwhelmed her heart and she didn't think soberly to humble herself in repentance of the deed in truth by confessing the sin to her husband instead of involving him in it. As you see the attack is to take down the whole household, through transgression of the commandments and the works of the flesh{Gal 5:19-21}, so we have to be on guard. The women are endowed with power in the fruits as helpmeets as was evident in Eve's glory and dominion over the females, hence Satan entices women to be masters over their Head of household through the works of the flesh, knowing it is of no value in the sight of Alahayim. Women, dearly beloved, be mindful of the adversary's tricks and always examine your thoughts and speech to be sure we don't tempt anyone to transgress the commands of Ahayah. Also, by good works of faith, love, discretion, and a quiet spirit support your family and be on guard for them and yourself not to stumble in one jot or one tittle in the law like Zipporah the wife of Moses, which is pleasing unto Ahayah. You can overcome the enemy by cleaving sincerely from the heart in belief on the name Yache, loving the will of Ahayah over your former desires, and cleaving unto your covering.)


"And in that same hour, we heard the archangel Michael blowing his trumpet and calling to the angels and saying: 'Thus saith AHAYAH, Come with me to paradise and hear the judgment with which I shall judge Adam.' "And when Alahayim appeared in paradise, mounted on the chariot of his cherubim with the angels proceeding before him and singing hymns of praises, all the plants of paradise, both of your father's lot and mine, broke out into flowers. And the throne of Alahayim was fixed where the Tree of Life was. 


"And Alahayim called Adam saying, 'Adam, where art thou? Can the house be hidden from the presence of its builder?' Then your father answered: 'It is not because we think not to be found by thee, Lord, that we hide, but I was afraid, because I am naked, and I was ashamed before thy might, my Master.' Alahayim saith to him, 'who showed thee that thou art naked, unless thou hast forsaken my commandment, which I delivered thee to keep it?' Then Adam called to mind the word which I spake to him, saying, 'I will make thee secure before Alahayim'; and he turned and said to me: 'Why hast thou done this?' And I said, 'The serpent deceived me.' 

  • (Notice the woman offered to be a covering to the man, which is against Ahayah’s hierarchy. This is why women are not suffered to usurp authority over the man [I Tim 2:12], since it is unrighteous from the beginning. This is the same spirit of Satan that tempts women to want control or to dominate instead of being meek and humble in unity to this day. We beseech you dear sisters, let not Satan deceive you with such an endeavor.)


"Alahayim saith to Adam: 'Since thou hast disregarded my commandment and hast harkened to thy wife, cursed is the earth in thy labors. "Thou shalt work it and it shall not give its strength: thorns and thistles shall spring up for thee, and in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread. Thou shalt be in manifold toils; thou shalt be crushed by bitterness, but of sweetness shalt thou not taste. " 'Weary shalt thou be and shalt not rest; by heat shalt thou be tired, by cold shalt thou be straitened: abundantly shalt thou busy thyself, but thou shalt not be rich; and thou shalt grow fat, but come to no end." 'The beasts, over whom thou didst rule, shall rise up in rebellion against thee, for thou hast not kept my commandment.'

  • (Adam was in transgression for hearkening to his wife to go against the commandments, so we can understand why it is essential for a wife to be an helpmeet unto her husband exhorting  and encouraging him unto righteousness, instead of usurping authority over him to cause him to sin.)


"And AHAYAH turned to me and said: 'Since thou hast harkened to the serpent, and turned a deaf ear to my commandment, thou shalt be in throes of travail and intolerable agonies; thou shalt bear children in much trembling, and in one hour thou shalt come to the birth, and lose thy life, from thy sore trouble and anguish. But thou shalt confess and say: "Lord, Lord, save me, and I will turn no more to the sin of the flesh." And on this account, from thine own words I will judge thee, by reason of the enmity which the enemy has planted in thee.'

  • (Wives take good courage not to go against the commands of Ahayah as our mother did. We also get understanding as to why a woman will be saved in childbearing {I Tim 2:15.})

Gen 3:16

Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

1 Timothy 2:15

15  Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

Sir 7:1

Doe no evil, so shall no harm come unto thee.

Sir 7:2

Depart from the unjust, and iniquity shall turn away from thee.

The Apocalypse of Moses CHAPTER XXVII

"Thus he spake and bade the angels have us cast out of paradise: and as we were being driven out amid our loud lamentations, your Father Adam besought the angels and said: 'Leave me a little space that I may entreat AHAYAH that he have compassion on me and pity me, for I only have sinned.' And they left off driving him, and Adam cried aloud and wept, saying: 'Pardon me, O AHAYAH, my deed.' Then AHAYAH saith to the angels, 'Why have ye ceased from driving Adam from paradise? Why do ye not cast him out? Is it I who have done wrong? Or is my judgment badly judged?' Then the angels fell down on the ground and worshiped AHAYAH, saying, 'Thou art just, O AHAYAH, and thou judgest righteous judgment.


"But the Lord turned to Adam and said: 'I will not suffer thee henceforward to be in paradise.' And Adam answered and said, 'Grant me, O Lord, of the Tree of Life that I may eat of it, before I be cast out.' Then Lord spake to Adam, 'Thou shalt not take of it now, for I have commanded the cherubim with the flaming sword that turneth every way to guard it from thee that thou taste not of it; but thou hast the war which the adversary hath put into thee; yet when thou art gone out of paradise, if thou shouldest keep thyself from all evil, as one about to die, when again the Resurrection hath come to pass, I will raise thee up and then there shall be given to thee the Tree of Life.'

  • (The war put into the woman and the man by the enemy is the root of lust, which causes sin, {Jam 1:14-15} hence we have to war against it within ourselves with the fruits of the Spirit as our life depends on it. {II Cor 10:3-6;Php 2:12} Women, you have to cleave hard, just as your husband has to cleave hard for dear life unto Yache. Both men and women need each other's support in this fight. We have been given clear instruction on what we must do to attain the tree of life, which is to guard ourselves from all evil. May Ahayah be with us.)

Jas 1:13

Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of Alahayim: for Alahayim cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:

Jas 1:14

But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
Jas 1:15

Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

Jas 1:16 Do not err, my beloved brethren.

The Apocalypse of Moses CHAPTER XXX

"Now then, my children, I have shown you the way in which we were deceived; and do ye guard yourselves from transgressing against the good."

The Simplicity of Christ for Women

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