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The Purpose of Life

  • Our system of beliefs/religion are Christian from a biblical perspective. The tenets of our religion in regards to the fundamental and ultimate questions, such as the meaning of human existence, the purpose of life, theories of humankind's nature or its place in the universe) are as follows: 

We believe the Lord, namely I AM THAT I AM, [Exodus 3:14] by his Son, the Christ our Lord Yache, [Colossians 1:16-17] created humans in his image, male and female, [Genesis 1:27] an image of his own eternity. [Wisdom 2:23] The purpose of human existence is to have dominion over the earth and the living creatures in it [Genesis 1:26] while being fruitful and multiplying [Gen 1:28] as we enjoy the good pleasures of the earth for our living [Sirach 29:21] with contentment. [1 Timothy 6:6] The Lord gave man all that is good to live peacefully, [Gen 1:29; 2:16-17] and gave statutes for the preservation of life, [Gen 2:16-17] yet due to the envy of the Devil, death was brought into the world [Wisdom of Solomon 2:24] through deceiving humans to sin against the statutes of the Lord [Life of Adam and Eve 12-16] by the root of his wickedness, which is Lust. [Apocalypse of Moses 19:3] The Lord didn’t make death nor has pleasure in the death of the living, [Wisdom of Solomon 1:12-13] so He has given humans laws, statutes and judgements that if we do, we shall live in them. [Levititcus 18:5; Deuteronomy 32:46-47] The Lord our creator, has given us free choice to do according to our own counsel,  [Sirach 15:14] yet before us, is the opportunity to choose life or death [Sirach 15:15] to keep the commandments and perform acceptable faithfulness as those who love the Lord or to walk according to our own will unto destruction. [Sirach 15:13-17] This is the battle before humans in this life. [2 Esdras 7:57-59] Humans, having been corrupted by the root of lust in the hearts have gone according to their own will unto death, [2 Esdras 3:8,21-22]  In this spiritual warfare, we wrestle against spiritual wickedness [Ephesians 6:12] being but flesh and bones. Hence we have need of a savior. Therefore the Lord so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to save the world [John 3:16]  by walking in the world without sin [1 Per 2:21-22] and dying for all believers to condemn sin in the flesh [Rom 8:3] for the atonement of former sins for all them that believe on him [Rom 3:22-25] so that we may turn from serving sin unto being servants of righteousness. [Rom 6:15-18] In servitude unto righteousness and the fruits of the Spirit, we exemplify our faith in Christ by our good works of righteousness. [James 2:23-26] Through faith in Christ, we work out our salvation with fear and trembling [Php 2:12] to fulfill the commandments by loving the Lord and loving our neighbor as ourselves which encompasses all the laws and commandments. [Matt 22:37-40; Rom 13:8-10] Our purpose in this life is to walk in meekness and lowliness of heart [Matt 11:28-30] believing on the Lord Christ, keep the commandments so that we may follow peace with all men [Hebrews 12:14] and not be condemned in the judgement to come in the end [Ecclesiastes 12:13-14] when every man appears at the judgment seat of Christ to receive according to what we have done, whether good or bad. [2 Corr 5:10] We believe those who have done good will partake in the kingdom of Christ. [Ephesians 5:5] and be among as those blessed ones who dwell with The Father, Lord of heaven and earth, after the reign of Christ wherein they’ll have access to enter into the gates of the Holy City and eat of the Tree of Life [Revelations 22:14-15] for immortality. Knowing these things, we hope in the Lord to partake in the resurrection to come believing all things in the law and prophets and walking void of offense to the Lord and men. [Acts 24:14-16] if we are found to have performed acceptable faithfulness keeping the commandments, loving the law and being in subjection to the Lord’s power, we shall transformed into immortal beings and live forever with the Lord. [1 Corr 15:51-54; 2 Baruch 51:1-10]



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