Tithes & Alms

The Law of Yache's Church and FAQ
The Apostles of Yache admonished us to operate according to the ordinances given unto them from Yache, hence we have been compelled by the hope of glory in Lord Yache to walk according to the ordinances with all faithfulness of heart. We, as Ambassadors of Christ, as though Alahayim did beseech you by us dear reader, pray you in Christ's stead, to be reconciled unto Ahayah Alahayim this day, that we may all know one another as brothers and sisters through the Spirit. {II Cor 5:16-21} Yache testified from the onset of his ministry that we who do and teach the least of the commandments shall be called great in the kingdom. {Matt 5:17-19} He also admonished us that if we do not exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy, we shall in no wise enter the kingdom of Heaven.{Matt 5:20;Luk 12:1} With these admonitions, we are persuaded to be doers of the word and not hearers only, {Rom 2:13} that we may be justified by the evidence of our faith through our good works {Jam 2:18,21-26}, and counted worthy to partake in the great hope of His calling. For knowing this, that if we live without law or transgress knowing of the law, we shall perish {Rom 2:12}. We are persuaded with fear and trembling to seek out our salvation {Php 2:12} in an honest and good heart with patience {Luke 8:15} in guilelessness as infants unto perfection in the sight of Alahayim. {Hermas Parable 9 [29:2-3]} The law is spiritual, and holy, and the commandment is holy and good. {Rom 7:14,10,12} Therefore, we know that if we abide in the law of faith and keep the commandments in faith, we shall be walking in the fruits of the Spirit in all righteousness, goodness, and truth.{Eph 5:9} The righteousness of the law's end goal is Yache, the Image of Alahayim, to all of us who believe. {Rom 10:4} It is Yache in us, the hope of glory, {Col 1:24-28} perfecting us until we all come unto the measure of the stature of His fullness. {Eph 4:11-13} Therefore we run toward the mark and goal of righteousness in Yache, putting off our past sins, and pressing toward the mark of perfection by the Spirit of Yache in us. {Php 3:8-14} This mindset is in the hearts of those who are perfect hearted {Php 2:15}, and if this mindset be not in you, may Ahayah be pleased by the blood of his son Yache to reveal it unto you. Also, Alahayim is Love,{1 Jn 4:8} and the end goal of the commandment is Charity, {I Tim 1:5} the bond of perfectness, {Col 3:14} with a pure heart, {1 Tim 1:5} and a good conscience {1 Tim 1:5} knowing that we have resisted sinning and kept the law through the fruits of the Spirit faithfully as a living sacrifice unto Alahayim,{Rom 12:1-2}, and faith unfeigned enduring of all afflictions and tribulations in the name of Yache for the hope of salvation from Alahayim. For we who have believed on him ought to suffer with him and cease from sin by his sacrifice for us and his spirit in us so that we should no longer live our life according to our lust in order to live a new life unto the glory of Alahayim {1 Pet 4:1-2}. We are confident that if we suffer resisting sin unto the death of our former mindsets and bad deeds as partakers in the sufferings of Christ, we will be made new creatures by Yache {II Cor 5:17} and shall live eternally with Him. {II Tim 2:11} May Ahayah strengthen our hearts dear brothers and sisters to be willing and obedient {Isa 1:19} in all things, unto all things pleasing {Col 1:10} to glory of Ahayah Alahayim. {I Cor 10:31}