Tithes & Alms


The 12 Tribes of Israel
The 12 Tribes of Israel
The 12 Tribes of Israel are the posterity of the 12 sons of Jacob, who is surnamed Israel. Being the posterity of the Hebrews: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, they comprised the Hebrew race. The 12 tribes consisted of:
The tribe of Reuben
The tribe of Simeon
The tribe of Issachar
The tribe of Zebulon
The tribe of Dan
The tribe of Naphtali
The tribe of Gad
The tribe of Asher
The tribe of Joseph
The tribe of Benjamin
The tribe of Levi
The tribe of Judah
The Prophesy of the 12 Tribes
Testament of Dan 7:3
3 Nevertheless, Dan prophesied unto them that they should forget their Alahayim, and should be alienated from the land of their inheritance and from the race of Israel, and from the family of their seed.
Testament of Dan 6:8-9
8 Keep, therefore, yourselves, my children, from every evil work, and cast away wrath and all lying, and love truth and long-suffering. 9 And the things which ye have heard from your father, do ye also impart to your children that the Saviour of the Gentiles may receive you; for he is true and long-suffering, meek and lowly, and teacheth by his works the law of Alahayim. 10 Depart, therefore, from all unrighteousness, and cleave unto the righteousness of Alahayim, and your race will be saved for ever.
Due to the prophecies concerning the tribe of Dan, this tribe will end up being reckoned amongst the Gentiles in these end times {Gen 49:17; Test. of Dan 7:3} and still have the opportunity for salvation as Gentiles through faith and righteousness just like the other Gentiles that believe. Due to Dan’s tribe being alienated from the race of Israel and their family, they will no longer be reckoned as Hebrews, though they are brethren of the Hebrews just like the children of Esau and the Arabs and Ishmealites (Ishmael & Keturah’s children) are brethren of the Hebrews yet not reckoned of the Hebrew race themselves. Joseph's two sons Ephraim and Manasseh are also reckoned amongst the tribes of Israel according to Jacob in Genesis 48:5:
Gen 48:5
And now thy two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, which were born unto thee in the land of Egypt before I came unto thee into Egypt, are mine; as Reuben and Simeon, they shall be mine.
In these latter times as the tribe of Dan will no longer be reckoned of the race of Israel and family of the Hebrews in the earth, the tribes of the children of Israel will be reckoned as follows according to Revelations 7:4-8:​
The tribe of Judah
The tribe of Reuben
The tribe of Gad
The tribe of Asher
The tribe of Naphtali
The tribe of Manasseh (Joseph)
Tribe of Simeon
The Tribe of Levi
The tribe of Issachar
The tribe of Zebulon
The tribe of Joseph (Ephraim)
The tribe of Benamin
This is to understand who the tribes of Israel are in these end times and the fact that the children of Dan are their brethren though they will be reckoned amongst the Gentiles for their salvation in these latter times.
Understanding the Times
According to the reckoning of the times according to the Most High, there is a total of 6000 years in this world before the end comes and the 1000 year reign of Christ comes in the kingdom after that.
Barnabas 15:3-5
3 Of the Sabbath He speaketh in the beginning of the creation; And Alahayim made the works of His hands in six days, and He ended on the seventh day, and rested on it, and He hallowed it. 4 Give heed, children, what this meaneth; He ended in six days. He meaneth this, that in six thousand years the Lord shall bring all things to an end; for the day with Him signifieth a thousand years; and this He himself beareth me witness, saying; Behold, the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years. Therefore, children, in six days, that is in six thousand years, everything shall come to an end. 5 And He rested on the seventh day. this He meaneth; when His Son shall come, and shall abolish the time of the Lawless One, and shall judge the unholy, and shall change the sun and the moon and the stars, then shall he truly rest on the seventh day.
The book of Jubilees reckons the history of the division of the days of the Law and Testimony, the years, the year weeks, and Jubilees throughout the 6000 years of this world. In this book, Ahayah spake to Moses of the earlier and latter history of the division of all the days of the Law and of the Testimony. The first 2,490 years is from the beginning with Adam unto Moses' death and is referred to as "A.M." standing for "Adam to Moses." Alahayim also spake with Moses of what would befall after his time in prophecy which Moses documented in what is known as "the Book of Jubilees." The rest of the scriptures after Moses can be reckoned as "M.C." which is from Moses unto the Consummation of the times in the end. This "M.C." time frame is stemming from the year 2491 when Joshua lead the people unto the year 6000 in the end of this world.
Ancient History of the Hebrews
In ancient times, the Hebrews sojourned as strangers for 400 years from the birth of Isaac in A.M. 2050 unto the Israelites leaving Egypt in A.M. 2450. After dwelling with the Egyptians and later serving them for the last 210 years of the 400 years, [A.M. 2240 to 2450] the original 12 tribes of Israel went out of Egypt to the land of Canaan under Moses, Aaron and Miriam. [A.M. 2450] {Micah 6:4} After dwelling in the wilderness for 40 years, [A.M. 2450-2490] under the leadership of Joshua they conquered the land of Canaan in five years. [A.M. 2491-2495] In the land of Canaan, they were ruled by Joshua, the Elders, and the Judges for 396 years. [M.C. 2491-2886] With the Hebrews dwelling in the land, it also became known as "the land of Israel" {I Samuel 13:19} and "the land of Judah" respectively as well.[Ruth 1:7] At the end of those days, the kingdom of the Hebrews the children of Israel, in the land of Canaan was established under Saul, [M.C. 2887-2926] David, [M.C. 2927-2966] and Solomon. [M.C. 2967-3006] The kingdom was split into two kingdoms after the days of Solomon, son of David, into Judah in the south and Israel in the North in the year M.C. 3007 during the reign of Rehoboam, son of Solomon and king of Judah. {II Kings 11-12} The kingdom of Judah in the south of the land of Canaan consisted of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi (with a portion of Simeon and whomever of the other tribes that came to dwell in Judah and Jerusalem after the split) while the kingdom of Israel in the north of the land was comprised of the tribes of Reuben, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Ephraim and Manasseh to make up the 10 tribes. The Hebrew race was prophesied to go through captivity under the Gentiles for their purging according to Deuteronomy chapter 28-32 which would lead to them being scattered throughout the world. Amongst their captivities, the major captivities would be under the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medo-Persians, Grecians, and Romans.
The Captivity of the Kingdom of Israel
The kingdom of Israel in the north of the land of Israel continued under 20 rulers from Jeroboam, the first king, unto Hosea, the last, who was besieged by the Assyrians. In the end, the majority of 10 tribes were removed out of the land by the Assyrians and were taken captive into Assyria and Media while they were displaced with Gentiles known as Samaritans to dwell in the land by the king of Assyria. [II Kings ch.17] The tribes of Israel that were taken were:
(1) Reuben (2) Simeon (3) Dan (4) Naphtali
(5) Issachar(6) Zebulon (7) Gad
(8) Asher (9) Ephraim (10) Manasseh.
When the Assyrians dissolved the kingdom of Israel, a remnant of the 10 tribes remained in the land of Israel in their dwellings by evidence of their presence in the land during the reign of Hezekiah [II Chron 30:6-11;18; 31:1] and Josiah [II Chron 32:9, 21] even after the Assyrians had dissolved the kingdom. Some remained in Assyria and Media where they were taken captive, [II Kings 15:29; Tobit 1:1-2; ch.14] while the greater part of the 10 tribes predominantly went to the region of Arsareth, [II Esdras 13:40-45] which is comprised of the islands of the Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean, and the lands of the Americas. In the region of Arsareth where they dwelt, they were eventually colonized by the Romans, enslaved and scattered throughout the world as the curses of Deuteronomy 28:25, 64-68, prophesied while the remnant that remained in the land of Israel was also taken captive and scattered with the rest of the inhabitants of Judah in the latter time under the Romans. Today the posterity of the 10 tribes are scattered across the world presently, so they are not regulated to being in one specific area of the world right now.
The Captivity of the Kingdom of Judah
After the split of Israel and Judah, the Kingdom of Judah lasted 393.5 years with 20 rulers from Rehoboam to Zedekiah. The kingdom of Judah was comprised of Judah, Benjamin, Levi, a portion of Simeon, and whomever of the other tribes had left the kingdom of Israel to dwell in Judah and Jerusalem or lived in their tribal lands during the duration of the kingdom of Judah before they all were scattered or taken captive out of the land in the days of the Romans. The kingdom of Israel in the north had been dissolved and the 10 tribes predominantly been taken captive by the king of Assyria in the year M.C. 3266 which was the 6th year of the reign of king Hezekiah in Judah. Later during the 14th year of the reign of Hezekiah in the year M.C. 3274, the king of Assyria besieged, Lachish, a city of Judah, but was not able to take the whole kingdom during the reign of Hezekiah. After those days, 126 years later in the year M.C. 3400 during the 11th year of Zedekiah king of Judah, the Babylonians conquered the kingdom of Judah and most of the inhabitants of the kingdom of Judah were taken captive into Babylon, while a remnant of the poorer sort remain in the land. [II Kings 24:14] 70 years later, the Babylonians reign came to an end according to prophecy in M.C. 3470 [Jeremiah 25:11-12] when the Medo-Persians came to power beginning with Darius the Median in the days of Daniel . [Daniel ch. 5] At that time in M.C. 3471, the inhabitants from the kingdom of Judah who were lead away captive returned to their land in Judah. Also, during the reign of the Medo-Persians, the Jews spread throughout the dominion of the Persians from Ethiopia unto India. By the time of the Greeks, they also resided in Egypt. [2 Maccabees 1:10] By the time of the Roman’s reign in the New Testament, they could be found throughout the known world from Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, but they didn’t go to the region of Arsareth with the 10 tribes at that time. From the time under the Romans onward, according to prophecies in Isaiah 6:9-13 and Luke 21:20-24, the inhabitants of Judah were destroyed in Jerusalem by the armies of the Romans under Titus and Vespasian. Also from that time forward, they have been colonized, enslaved, and led captive into all nations to scatter them, as was prophesied in Deuteronomy 28:64. So the posterity of the inhabitants of Judah are scattered across the world presently due to the slave trade, migration and colonization predominantly, so they are not regulated to being in one specific area of the world right now.
Identifying the Children of Israel Today
Understanding history through scripture, If one’s paternal ancestry stems back to the slaves of the East African or Trans Atlantic slave trade, Negros, or Bantus of Africa then one is highly likely to be from the tribe of Judah, Benjamin, or Levi with a slim chance of Simeon or the 10 tribes. On the other hand, if one’s paternal ancestry stems back to any Native American or Indigenous people of the Americas and Caribbean, or Aboriginals and Indigenous tribes of the Indian Ocean or Pacific Ocean, then one is highly likely from one of the 10 tribes of Israel as they predominantly went to the region of Arsareth. Along with this information, looking at the signs and curses in Deuteronomy 28 help identify the children of Israel around the world today.
Identifying the Tribes of the Children of Israel
After looking at one’s paternal lineage as the tribes are reckoned by the house of their fathers {Numbers 1:2,22} and examining the signs upon the seed of Israel according to Deuteronomy 28:46, in order to identify the specific tribe of Israel an individual comes from, the spiritual indicators in the admonitions of the 12 Patriarchs help identify which specific tribe a person of the house of Israel originates from as each Patriarch spake to their children of the spiritual struggles they would face in their life as their respective fathers did. This means, a son of Israel can identify which tribe he comes from within the house of Israel by aligning the spiritual struggles he faces in his life with the struggles of his forefather identified in the book called "the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs."
PDF Book:
It is by the Spirit, Ahayah has given the grace to truly identify which tribe people actually come from since it is She, that brings things to remembrance, searcheth all things, and we cannot know anything except the Spirit reveal them, {Joh 16:13; Joh 14:26; 1Co 2:10-11} so it’s important to pray before looking into these things and pray after for the revelation and confirmation of the respective tribe an individual of the house of Israel may stem from.
For a more thorough understanding of the History of the Jews, Physical Characteristics of the Ancient Jews, Signs and Curses upon the Jews, and identifying the respective tribes of the children of Israel, please check out the playlist of lessons below: