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Bantu is Hebrew

The Bantu languages are dialects of ancient Hebrew. The root language of the Bantu dialects is the Igbo language of Nigeria which is least affected by foreign influence among the Bantu dialects. The Igbo dialect being the source of the Bantu dialects, is why the ancient Hebrew root words are predominantly seen in the Igbo dialect as oppose to the other Bantu dialects which have been more affected from migration and colonization. Mind you, the Hebrew language has been affected by captivity and migration since the days of Judges, wherein you find different tribal accents among Ephraim and Manasseh, {Jdg 12:6} then later you find Hebrews in the New Testament speaking Hebrew words, {Rev 9:11}  Aramaic words, {Matt 7:34} and Hebrew words that stem from Chaldean origins, {John 5:2} and sometimes speaking Hebrew along with Aramaic words in their speech {Matt 27:46} from the influence of some Jews learning Chaldean {Dan 1:4} during the Babylonian captivity. The Hebrew language was already impure by this time, yet still referred to as Hebrew because they did retain the Hebrew language though they had other words used from other languages as well. Some Jews spoke a mixture of Hebrew with Aramaic words being from Galilee like the disciples whom one would tell by their speech, {Mar 14:70} while other Jews spoke only Hebrew not being able to understand both languages as in the case when the Lord spoke in Hebrew and Aramaic being from Galilee himself,  saying "My Ala My Ala why" in Hebrew which prompted "some" to think he was calling for Elijah {Matt 27:47} because they couldn't understand the rest of his speech wherein he said "hast thou forsaken me?" in Aramaic. On the other hand, the disciples that understood both Hebrew and Aramaic knew the interpretation of what he said when he finished his words in Aramaic. {Matt 27:46-47}  From those times onward, the Hebrew language wasn't pure anymore as is evident by the different accents of old and mixture of other languages alongside the ancient Hebrew dialect, but they still spoke Hebrew along with the new words picked up from foreign influence, not changing the Hebrew tongue entirely and being able to understand the difference. In the days of the Apostles, Jews around the world still understood and spoke Hebrew by evidence of Thomas in India singing a song in Hebrew that only he and a Hebrew woman there could understand since it was her language as well. {Acts of Thomas 8} After the scattering of the Hebrews when Jerusalem was sacked in 70 AD, they continued to speak Hebrew by evidence of John who he wrote Revelations after that time still speaking and understanding Hebrew. {Rev 16:16} Since those times, the Hebrews who inhabited Judah that fled into Africa continued to have influences on their already influenced language. They continued to see colonization and captivity under the Arabs, Ishmaelites, and Edom. As a result of these captivities, there are different accents among the Hebrew speakers and you'll find the mixture of Arabic words and Hebrew words being spoken amongst the Hebrew speakers known as the Bantu people of Africa. East and South African Bantu (Hebrew) tribes have more of an Arabic influence due to the East African Slave trade so you'll find more Arabic words in their languages, so not every alleged "Bantu word" found in the Bantu dialects today of those in East and South African regions are actually ancient Hebrew since some words are actually Arabic words that they picked up over time while others are truly ancient Hebrew words. Also, in West Africa, not every alleged "Bantu word" is ancient Hebrew in origin since they've already been influenced by the Chaldean words of old and recently made up words to accommodate the new English language they came into contact with like "komputa" for "computer." You'll also find the natural changes that comes over time with languages called "semantic drift" wherein the meaning of words undergo a shift in meaning due to its usage in everyday conversation. Hence, you'll find ancient Hebrew root words have meanings that they may not have had in ancient times through usage among the people. Seeing the influence on the Hebrew language from the ancient times unto present day, amongst the Hebrews, known today as "the Bantu," one can find an assortment of tribal accents, words foreign from the ancient Hebrew, and alphabet writing systems that stem from European origins as oppose to the Hebrew script they once used in Judah and Jerusalem. Through all this, it is evident the Hebrew language isn't pure as it once was. Hence, the prophecy must be fulfilled according to Zephaniah 3:9 wherein the pure tongue is given unto the people to bring back the pure language, yet and still no scripture foretold that all Hebrews would stop speaking Hebrew entirely before that time. The only tribes that were prophesied to not know their tongue were Gad, Asher, and Dan. {Testament of Asher 7:6-7}  This helps understand the Hebrew language was never completely removed from the Jews. Hence, though the Hebrew spoken by the Jews of Africa known as Bantu isn't pure from foreign words being incorporated and "semantic drift" of the Hebrew words they still speak, the Hebrew language is still retained in their root words that stem from the Hebrew origin. The revelations of the ancient Hebrew in the Bantu dialect is evident in the fact that the Hebrews continued speaking the Hebrew language throughout their captivities in scripture even when they picked up the languages of their rulers by evidence of Daniel writing in both Aramaic and Hebrew while the Apostles like Paul and John spoke both Greek and Hebrew. Also, during the siege of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70A.D, the Hebrews fled speaking the same Hebrew. Even during the colonization of Africa, the colonialist did not stop all the Hebrews, who became known as "Bantu," from speaking their language entirely which helped the Bantu's retain the Hebrew dialect up to this day. Due to this fact, the root words of the Bantu dialects still contain ancient Hebrew. Therefore, Ahayah has led us to study the language and this research has been profound. It has been revealed that the very language spoken in the Hebrew records are sentences and phrases in the Bantu languages. The fact is, the composition of a Hebrew word in the scriptures is made up of root words and those root words are retained in the Bantu root words. The fact that true Hebrew root words are still preserved in the Bantu dialects is the key to understand that at the root, most words of the Bantu languages are in fact the ancient root words of the Hebrew language. The root word connection between Hebrew and Bantu, substantiate that they are the same language because Hebrew is the language of Angels, even the language of creation, so there was no other language that it derived from. The fact that a root word has no prefix or suffix makes it the most basic part of a word, so the ability to find the root words of Hebrew in the Bantu languages show that Bantu languages are dialects of Hebrew since they could not have derived from a prior source. In linguistics, a root word holds the most basic meaning of any word. It's what’s left after you remove all the affixes, hence the fact that one can find the root words of the Hebrew language through Bantu languages, only means the languages must be one and the same.  One can find in the Strong's Hebrew concordance that they take the reader to what they call "the primitive root" of words, but since Hebrew is not their original language and the Bantu languages are dialects of Hebrew, one can find the actual primitive root in what the concordance deems to be "a primitive root," thus showing that the actual primitive (ancient) roots of the Hebrew language are still preserved in the true Hebrew language which is known as Bantu today.  For example, the English language comes from Greek and Latin. The English word "Alexander" is comprised of two Greek root words because Greek is an origin of English. In Greek " Alexin"means "to defend" and "Aner" means "man" hence the English word "Alexander" means "Man defender." This is a key indication that Greek is an origin of English. Now apply this concept to compare the Hebrew language with the Bantu language and you will find that the Hebrew words are comprised of Bantu root words to this day, showing that the Bantu's still retained the Hebrew language. Also, this very fact shows that the Bantu people are indeed the tribes of the inhabitants of Judah through the language being retained, and remnants of Hebrew customs and more. This fact also shows that Bantu root words were and are actually Hebrew by evidence of them still correlating to the ancient language to this day since Bantu couldn't have predated Hebrew, the language of creation. For example, Let's look at the Hebrew word "H6005 עמנואל" is I-M-N-W-A-L by letter representation, which is 'Immanuel' in English and means "with us (is) Ala." In Igbo, the word "Ime (עמ) unu (נו) Ala (אל)" means " with us (is) Ala or Ala with us" which is the same thing it meant in the Hebrew Concordance and the same interpretation that Matthew, A Hebrew speaker, gave in Matt 1:23. "Ime (עמ) nọ(נו) Ala (אל)" is also a three word sentence which means "Within rests Ala" in Igbo. Also in the Yoruba dialect, the word 'nọ' means 'is,' so when combining the Bantu root words and meanings, 'Ime nọ Ala' means 'Within is Ala or Ala is within' because the Bantu speakers still speak Hebrew as they did in the scriptures, though the meanings of root words are spread cross the dialects. Thus, from the Ancient days of the prophets in the Hebrew script, the words still have the same meaning in Bantu today. Another example, The word  H5921/H5920 על is I-L, which means 'height, up'. The ע makes an /e/ sound in this word. Here על is pronounced 'elu' which still means the same thing in Igbo(Bantu) because 'elu' means 'height, up' in their language up to this day. Another example, the Hebrew word for ״We״ is "H859 אני A-N-Y, and in the Igbo language the word to this day for ״we״ is still "anyi" which is the same exact word as in the Hebrew script. a(א) n(נ) yi(י). The Bantu dialects and accents are Hebrew, just without using the Hebrew characters since the Bantu were given European alphabets to write their spoken sounds, so it's through their dialects we can learn the proper pronunciation of the Hebrew words in scripture. Check the links below for the detailed information collected for understanding the Hebrew Language retained amongst the Bantu speakers. We would suggest reading the Migration history, then Yiddish history, and then the Hebrew word study.

(The True Hebrew Language)

Bantu is Hebrew Word Study
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