Tithes & Alms
Church Members
Thank you for visiting Hebrew Readers Church! We give All praise to Ahayah Ashịrị Ahayah and His son Yache Christ. We would warmly like to introduce ourselves, for we personally welcome you to grow with us in truth and walk in the path of righteousness unto the salvation of our souls. We bless you in the name Ahayah, Yache and Ruwaka Kwadoshi that your joy may be filled with us, as ours is fiilled with you all.
Kosafo Gumbs
Born: U.S Virgin Islands
Tribe: Levi
Zakwaraya Roberson
Born: Florence, Alabama
Tribe: Judah
Church Mission Statement
Name: Hebrew Readers
Religion: Christian
Beliefs: We believe the Holy Father sent his only begotten Son into the world for the salvation of all men that we may believe on His Name and show forth our faith by bearing the fruits of the Spirit, keeping the commandments in spirit and truth, loving the Lord and loving our neighbor as ourselves. By these good works of faith, we believe we shall be saved by Christ Yache and attain unto the bond of perfectness in Charity.
Mission: Our mission is to be an example of a believer in Christ by bearing the fruits of the Spirit and keeping His law for our salvation in hopes of spreading the love and knowledge of Christ unto the world by our walk in faith and charity.
Goals: For us all to seek our salvation through love, touching as many lives with the love of Christ by being examples of believers, spreading His joy and testimony of His works in our lives unto others.
Vision Statement: Our vision is to be the disciples of our Lord Yache the Christ by serving Him in simplicity, keeping his commandments, bringing forth fruits of the law and living in contentment of the calling he has placed on us while loving our neighbor as ourselves to complete the whole law.
For our protection and to ensure the accuracy of all dialogues, personal conferences and meetings, will be recorded and is optional for all parties involved to receive such recording. Privacy is a priority here at Hebrew Readers Church and will remain a precedent in our conduct toward the goal of Yache.